Monday, November 29, 2010

Flip video camera

Flip UltraHD, MinoHD and SlideHD video cameras with Personalized Design - Available only at the Flip Video Store. Check out this unique Flip Video design. The Flip UltraHD, MinoHD and SlideHD video cameras combine remarkable video quality in a pocket-sized package. Now personalizable - create yours today. You've never had a video camera that's this much fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vehicle of the Week

This car is pretty amazing if you ask me!!

Fragrance of the Week

JLo's Fragrance line has very nice of aroma to it!! Hehe
"very nice"...

Shoe of the Week...

This shoe is apart of the Pastry line created by Vannessa and Angela Simmons. Its a pretty bad shoe if I may say so myself!!! (which is definetly a good thing)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fashion of the Week...

I think that all of these looks are very intriguing. Most of these looks are by Marc Jacobs, who just so happens to be one of my favorite designers. His lines are very uqniue and original, which just so happens to be what i'm going for!!!

Song of the Week

"D.O.A" by Jay Z
This song has a lot of meaning to it. Its new and hott.. If you haven't heard it, then i recommend that you check it out!!!

Quote of the Week...

"Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle"